Compost teas introduce life into sterile soils and growing media when compost application is not practical.
Q: What is compost tea?
A: Compost tea is an extract of the micro organisms and nutrients found in good aerobic compost. Once extracted these micro organisms comprising of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes are fed and multiply rapidly creating a rich microbial solution to revitalise your soil and plants.
A: Compost tea is an extract of the micro organisms and nutrients found in good aerobic compost. Once extracted these micro organisms comprising of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes are fed and multiply rapidly creating a rich microbial solution to revitalise your soil and plants.
Q: Why use compost tea to grow plants
A: Most intensively managed soils are almost sterile or at best lacking in many of the micro organisms that make up the healthy soil food web. This food web recycles nutrient and makes it available and helps protect the plant from drought and disease stress. A healthy soil food web is essential to grow plants with a minimum of inorganic fertiliser and pesticide inputs.
Semi sterile soils include:
A: Most intensively managed soils are almost sterile or at best lacking in many of the micro organisms that make up the healthy soil food web. This food web recycles nutrient and makes it available and helps protect the plant from drought and disease stress. A healthy soil food web is essential to grow plants with a minimum of inorganic fertiliser and pesticide inputs.
Semi sterile soils include:
- Agricultural soils that have been exposed to inorganic fertilisers & pesticides / left without cover crop,
- Nursery and horticultural soils that have been steamed or treated with methyl bromide,
- Peat based growing media and heavily fertilised and watered plants in the nursery,
- Sports turf soils in sandy rootzones subject to compaction e.g. golf greens and sports pitches,
- Allotment soils left fallow without a cover crop over winter.
Compost teas are a simple cost effective way of reintroducing a healthy soil food web
Q: How is compost tea made?
A: You put good quality compost in water, shake out the microbial life with air then feed the microbes with microbial foods to encourage them to reproduce. To do this you need a clean tank, air supply and diffuser, clean water, good aerobic compost with a diversity of bacteria, fungi protozoa and nematodes, a range of microbial foods and a means of spraying the compost tea into the soil or onto your plants.
A: You put good quality compost in water, shake out the microbial life with air then feed the microbes with microbial foods to encourage them to reproduce. To do this you need a clean tank, air supply and diffuser, clean water, good aerobic compost with a diversity of bacteria, fungi protozoa and nematodes, a range of microbial foods and a means of spraying the compost tea into the soil or onto your plants.
Q: Which soils and plants benefit from compost teas?
A: Compost tea adds microbial life to soils and plants. So any plant growing in poor quality soil or sterile rootzone will benefit. This includes all crops grown in intensively fertilised and ploughed farmland, compacted and heavily used amenity sports turf, vegetable crops, greenhouse and horticultural plants grown in containers with peat based or other sterile growing media.
A: Compost tea adds microbial life to soils and plants. So any plant growing in poor quality soil or sterile rootzone will benefit. This includes all crops grown in intensively fertilised and ploughed farmland, compacted and heavily used amenity sports turf, vegetable crops, greenhouse and horticultural plants grown in containers with peat based or other sterile growing media.
Q: Should compost tea be applied to trees?
A: Yes, compost tea is great for stressed trees and fruit trees. If the soil under and around the drip line is compacted, it should be mulched. If this is not possible then drenching the soil with compost tea will reintroduce microbial activity. Do not apply to very dry soil. If your tree is showing signs of leaf or wood diseases, it may help if the leaves and branches are sprayed with compost tea. There is no direct biocidal effect but sometimes the good microbes will out compete the disease causing fungi and reduce or eliminate the problem.
A: Yes, compost tea is great for stressed trees and fruit trees. If the soil under and around the drip line is compacted, it should be mulched. If this is not possible then drenching the soil with compost tea will reintroduce microbial activity. Do not apply to very dry soil. If your tree is showing signs of leaf or wood diseases, it may help if the leaves and branches are sprayed with compost tea. There is no direct biocidal effect but sometimes the good microbes will out compete the disease causing fungi and reduce or eliminate the problem.
Q: When is the best time of year to apply compost tea?
A: You can apply compost tea at any time the ground temperature is above freezing. More frequent applications in spring and autumn will help start off the growing season and strengthen plants for winter. If you manage highly stress sports turf or ornamental plants then you should apply throughout the growing season.
A: You can apply compost tea at any time the ground temperature is above freezing. More frequent applications in spring and autumn will help start off the growing season and strengthen plants for winter. If you manage highly stress sports turf or ornamental plants then you should apply throughout the growing season.
Q: How often should compost tea be applied?
A: You cannot over apply but frequency depends upon the starting state of your soil or rootzone, crop and length of growing season. Your Symbio technical advisor will recommend the best programme for your conditions.
A: You cannot over apply but frequency depends upon the starting state of your soil or rootzone, crop and length of growing season. Your Symbio technical advisor will recommend the best programme for your conditions.
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