Tuesday, 28 August 2012

What type of Compost Tea?

Different Types of Compost tea 

Fungal or Bacterial

Applying as soil drench.

Brassicas and annual grasses grow in bacterial dominant soils and need a bacterial dominant compost tea brewed
This is brewed for around for approx 10 hours.

To make a Bacterial Dominant brew you need to add a Bacterial additive to the brewing process.

Have a look at our Symbio Compost Tea Bacterial Additive 

Compost Tea Starter
Vegetables, perennial garden plants and perennial grasses grow in a rootzone with a good mix of fungi and bacteria and need a balanced tea brewed for 18-24 hours.

This can be done with high quality and tested compost and additives. Well made compost analysed to ensure that all the required bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes are present and that they are pathogen free.

Symbio Compost Tea Starter Packs contain fungal rich compost that has been made under aerobic conditions and tested to ensure it contains a wide diversity of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. The nutrient packs contain the correct amounts of molasses, humate, humic and fulvic acids and comfrey to make an excellent compost tea. 


Shrubs need a more fungal dominant tea while hardwood trees and conifers grow in soils rich in fungi need a very fungal dominant tea.

This is brewed approx 24-36 hours.

To make a Fungal Dominant brew you need to add a Fungal additive to the brewing process.

Have a look at our Symbio Compost Tea Fungal Additive 

Applying as Foliar Spray.

There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that a bacterial dominant tea applied as a foliar spray may help the plant combat disease and drought stress.

This can only be ascertained for a given set of circumstances on a trial and error basis. The tea should be brewed for 8-­‐10 hours and a bacterial additive containing a broad spectrum of beneficial bacteria may be added.

Compost teas should not be mixed with inorganic chemicals or fertilisers and if the spray tank has been used for pesticides it should be thoroughly cleaned before filling with compost tea.

Compost teas can be applied via standard sprayer, fertigation system (care must be taken to prevent biomass growing on the nozzles), irrigation system or simple watering can. On spray and fertigation systems the pressure should be below 3 bars.

Add the compost tea to the spray tank and dilute with de chlorinated water. If mains water is used add it to the tank the day before to give chlorine time to dissipate before adding the compost tea.

Compost Tea Additives 
You can add to the compost teas brews, the following biostimulants.

Golden Rule for tank mixing 
Always pre dilute the biostimulant with at least an equal amount of water and add it to the nearly full spray tank after diluting the compost tea in the tank.

Coverage using Symbio Compost Tea and Nutrient Packs

The amount of concentrate required depends upon the general health and organic matter content of the soil. When first applying compost teas we suggest the following as a guide.

Soil organic matter less than 2% -------------- 10 litres concentrate per 1,000 sq.m
Soil organic matter 2% - 3% ------------------ 10 litres concentrate per 1,000 – 2,000 sq.m
Soil organic matter 3% - 4% ------------------ 10 litres concentrate per 2,000 – 3,000 sq.m
Soil organic matter greater than 4% -----------10 litres concentrate per 3,000 – 4,000 sq.m

There is no maximum amount of water that may be used in the brewer, spray or fertigation tank. You need enough to drench the rootzone - we recommend a minimum of 500 litres per hectare.


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